542 atlantic


Brooklyn, New York

Under Construction

Sterling Town Equities

Workshop APD Architecture

Mixed Use



This building has very unique design and architectural expression. The mixed-use building was constructed on a through lot that fronts Atlantic Avenue and Pacific Street. The portion of the property fronting Atlantic Avenue is located in the residential zone of R8A, which allows building height to a maximum of 125 feet, and the portion of the property fronting Pacific Street is in the R6B zoning district, which allows a building height up to 60 feet. The building was designed as a high-rise. 

The main entrance is on Pacific Street through a set of very romantic townhouses. Entering the main lobby through an archway and garden is a unique experience for residents. On the Pacific Street side, three archways lead to the building’s main entrance; one of them allows for a pass-through to the garden and lobby on the Atlantic Avenue side of the building. The middle archway provides entrance to two four-story townhouses.


The Atlantic Avenue elevation has arched windows with ornamental brickwork. A setback clad with light and dark metal panels rises from floors 7-11. The building features a unique garden. The exterior envelope was designed in collaboration by Issac & Stern Architects and Workshop/APD Architecture.  

The cellar contains building services, parking, and storage. The first floor consists of commercial space on the Atlantic Avenue side and the lobby and townhouses on the Pacific Side. The first floor also contains building amenities facing the rear garden. Floors 2-11 are allocated to residential use with large dwelling units. 

The building has 90,000 square feet, 43 dwelling units fronting Atlantic Avenue, and two townhouses fronting Pacific Street.
